
1455 ExInt III: Elective - International Human Resource Management
Assoz.Prof Priv.Doz.Dr. Mihaela Dimitrova
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/18/24 to 09/26/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Thursday 10/03/24 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM D1.1.078
Thursday 10/10/24 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM D1.1.078
Thursday 10/17/24 08:00 AM - 11:00 AM D1.1.078
Friday 11/15/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.18
Friday 11/29/24 10:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.18

As more and more organizations continue to expand globally, the need to successfully manage a dispersed workforce across cultural and institutional boundaries has become vital. Thus, international human resource management (IHRM) plays an important strategic role by ensuring the smooth integration across international subsidiaries and by preparing employees to handle the challenges associated with working in the global context. This course is designed to provide you with a better understanding of the various IHRM practices. We will cover topics such as transfer of HRM practices across borders, global staffing, global performance management and compensation, global human resource development, and the link between HR practices and business strategy, among others. A highlight of this course is the group project, which gives you the opportunity to collaborate closely with fellow students at the LUISS University in Rome, Italy.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will:

  1. Demonstrate an increased understanding of the central aspects of international human resource management.
  2. Be able to analyze how cultural, institutional, and organizational factors shape IHRM practices.
  3. Be able to critique IHRM practices in organizations and recommend viable improvements.
  4. Acquire skills and tools to develop successful IHRM programs and practices, such as global staffing, recruitment, compensation, performance management, subsidiary integration, and training and development, and understand the importance of linking these with the business strategy.
  5. Demonstrate improved research, presentation, discussion, and critical thinking skills.
Attendance requirements

This course is to be held in a blended format. Students will have to complete activities online as well as attend the in-person class sessions. As per WU's guidelines for PI courses, you will fail the course if you miss more than 20% of the course, this includes both in-person sessions and online activities. Please note that any absences will also negatively impact your participation grade. As you are expected to attend the class in-person, it is NOT possible to attend this course remotely. No hybrid options will be offered to accommodate individual requests. 

Attendance of the first session is mandatory. 

Teaching/learning method(s)

This course is comprised of lectures, case analyses, exercises, and a project in collaboration with LUISS students. This is a highly interactive course. Thus, students are expected to be fully engaged and participate in class discussions. The course is designed in such a way as to maximize your learning by balancing between lecture and your involvement in discussions, cases, and exercises. All course documents, assignments, lecture notes, etc. will be posted on the course website on Canvas at the beginning of the course.


Assessment will be based on both individual and team performance. Breakdown of assignments with percent of total grade:

  1. Individual participation: 30%
  2. One individual written case analysis:  40% 
  3. Team research project (final grade partially depends on peer evaluations): 30%

More information on assignments and required course readings will be provided on the course website at the start of the course.

Please note that successful in-class participation involves not only regularly attending class but also frequently contributing to the discussion by answering questions, participating in class exercises, engaging in a thoughtful analysis of the discussed cases, building on other students’ ideas, and synthesizing across readings and discussions. You are expected to have read in advance all the required reading materials and cases and be prepared to discuss them in class.

Grading key:

90-100% = 1

80-89% = 2

70-79% = 3

60 - 69% = 4

Below 60% = 5


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Recommended previous knowledge and skills

Prior knowledge of human resource management and cross-cultural management is helpful but not necessary.

Availability of lecturer(s)

Mihaela Dimitrova, PhD

Department of Global Business and Trade

Office: D1 3.032

I am available for in-person meetings by appointment, e-mail address:


Last edited: 2024-09-04
