
1622 Strategic Management
Ass.Prof. Dr. Arnold Schuh
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/16/24 to 09/18/24
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
This class is only offered in winter semesters.
Subject(s) Master Programs
Day Date Time Room
Wednesday 10/16/24 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM TC.3.06
Wednesday 10/23/24 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM D2.0.030
Wednesday 10/30/24 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM D2.0.030
Thursday 11/07/24 03:30 PM - 07:00 PM D4.0.039
Thursday 11/14/24 03:30 PM - 07:00 PM TC.3.10
Wednesday 12/04/24 02:30 PM - 07:30 PM TC.4.15

In this course "'Strategic Management - International business strategies in a globalized world" the focus is on current developments in the global economy and the responses of multinational companies (MNC) to these challenges. In recent years, globalization has changed its character and tempo (“slowbalization”). Already he global financial crisis in 2007-09 shattered the belief in a more integrating world and the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 highlighted the vulnerability of global supply chains. Since then the benefit of expanding global supply chains is questioned, regional trade agreements and national protectionism have been on the rise. The change from an US-dominated unipolar to a multi-polar world order where emerging economies (BRICS+) have a stronger say is creating more frictions and risks in the global system. System rivalry between the West and China culminated in the US-China trade war. The Russian full-scale invasion in the Ukraine erased foreign direct investment in both countries, created disruptions in trade flows and drove food and energy prices up. Unfortunately, these multiple short- and midterm crises overshadow structural global megatrends such as global warming and the urgent need for decarbonization that would require fast and coordinated responses. The management of multinational companies is under enormous pressure to find the right answers to these current challenges.  

In this course, we will address the current developments in globalization and the role of emerging markets (EM), particularly China, in the global economy. Furthermore, we will discuss the challenges for European multinational companies in their internationalization in general in emerging markets in particular and their strategy choices.

Learning outcomes

Participants of the course shall

  • Develop an understanding of the current developments in globalization
  • Learn about the importance and characteristics of emerging markets and why these markets are attractive for MNCs
  • Learn how MNCs are dealing with the recent crises in the global economy
  • Get an overview of typical approaches and strategies used by MNCs in this new global business environment
Attendance requirements

Regular attendance is a requirement to pass this course. Please note that any absences will negatively impact one’s participation grade.

Students must be present for at least 80% of the scheduled sessions. Students who fail to meet the attendance requirement will be de-registered from the course. According to WU regulations, valid reasons for missing scheduled sessions are those outside the control of the student (illness, accident, death of a close relative). Professional and work obligations are not valid reasons, as students have the course schedule in advance and should be able to plan accordingly.

Please note that successful in-class participation involves not only physically attending class but also frequently and thoughtfully contributing to the discussion by answering questions, engaging in a thoughtful analysis of the discussed cases, building on other students’ ideas, actively participating in activities, and synthesizing across readings and discussions. You are expected to have read in advance all the required reading materials and cases and be prepared to discuss them.

Teaching/learning method(s)

The principle teaching methods used in class meetings are lectures, group presentations and case discussions. All students are expected to read the assigned articles and cases before meeting in class.


The course grade will be determined as follows:

  • 40%: Case reports
  • 50%: Research report
  • 10%: Peer rating of group work

Class attendance is mandatory. To pass the course you are not allowed to miss more than 20% of class time.

The grading scheme: 0-50=5; 51-65=4; 66-75=3; 76-85=2; 86-100=1.

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Successful completion of the course "Introduction to Management"

This course builds on the knowledge content of the bachelor's degree. It has a dedicated scientific character and ties in with the current state of scientific research.


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Availability of lecturer(s)

Dr. Arnold Schuh

By email contact/appointment

Last edited: 2024-05-19
