
5029 Strategic & Organizational Analysis in Practice
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Kff.Dr. Patricia Klarner, Katrina Nelson, M.A.
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/20/25 to 02/23/25
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/10/25 12:00 PM - 03:00 PM TC.3.03
Tuesday 03/11/25 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM D5.4.019
Thursday 03/13/25 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM D5.4.019
Monday 03/17/25 09:00 AM - 10:30 AM EA.6.026
Monday 03/17/25 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EA.6.026
Monday 03/17/25 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM EA.6.026

In this course, students will learn to analyze a managerially relevant strategic or organizational research question by conducting an academic literature review as well as an internal and external empirical analysis. They will work in teams and analyze a pre-defined company and relevant topic.

Student teams will learn to conduct an academic literature review by applying readings and templates provided during the course to their specific research question. They will also conduct an organizational and industry analysis by applying tools and frameworks discussed in class.

The course is designed to integrate prior learnings from previous SBWL courses and prepare students to work on real-life business projects.

Typical teaching methods are:

  • Academic literature review of a pre-defined strategic or organizational topic
  • Analysis of archival data and company reports
  • Methods to conduct an internal and external analysis

Students will summarize their findings in a project-specific literature review and a written report. They will receive and learn to integrate feedback into their final presentation. The final results will be delivered in a team presentation.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course students will have the ability to:

  • Manage a strategic / organizational project (i.e., time, responsibilities and roles)
  • Conduct an academic literature review
  • Collect, analyze, and interpret relevant data to answer strategic or organizational questions
  • Critically evaluate and present the project findings


Apart from that, completing this course will contribute to students' ability to:

  • Efficiently work and communicate in a team
  • Translate their knowledge to practical problems
  • Structure and work collaboratively on a project
  • Improve their oral and written communication and presentation skills
Attendance requirements

The course consists of the following sessions, scheduled ahead of time:

  • the course kick-off
  • the coaching sessions
  • In addition, each group will have one additional session to present their final results.

The course is planned as a mixture of offline and online sessions.

Full attendance at all sessions is expected. We require an attendance of minimum 80% of all sessions (both in-person and online, if applicable) in order to successfully complete the course.

If you are unable to attend a session due to unforeseeable circumstances, you need to inform your lecturer before the session takes place.

Teaching/learning method(s)
  • Conducting a literature review on a pre-defined topic
  • Internal and external analysis of a company and a relevant strategic or organizational question
  • Writing a report on the findings from the literature review and analyses
  • Feedback from the IOD team
  • Presentation of final results that incorporates feedback


All reading materials for the course will be supplied via CANVAS


The final course grade is based upon the evaluation of the following assessment assignments:

  • Project-specific Literature Review (35%)
  • External and Internal Analysis (35%)
  • Final Team Presentation (30%)

Please note that students must participate in all grading components in order to pass the course.


IOD guidelines for AI use:

1. Is the use of AI-based software for your course/exam an (un)authorized aid?

Allowed is the use of AI-based software for writing support, such as Grammarly. However, it is mandatory to indicate the use of any AI-based software in your written work. If you use  AI-based software for text and content generation such as ChatGPT in your reports, presentations, or any other written text, it is mandatory to:
a) verify the information generated and
b) add all relevant references for the text, data, and AI-based software.
During in-class discussions, we will challenge the results and insights from your presentations and written work.

2. How to indicate the permitted use of AI-based software?

You need to provide indication in a footnote for the corresponding sections AND add a detailed appendix with specific "prompts" and the responses from the text generation software.

3. What will your initial steps be for any suspected cases of unauthorized use of AI-based software?

Note that in case of suspicious cases, we will set up an additional individual oral audit interview with the student.


Please log in with your WU account to use all functionalities of read!t. For off-campus access to our licensed electronic resources, remember to activate your VPN connection connection. In case you encounter any technical problems or have questions regarding read!t, please feel free to contact the library at


You must be available to attend the course kickoff and final presentation. The course is fast-paced, with minimal opportunity to catch up if you miss a session. Please plan to make yourself available for all required course sessions and group work during these two weeks.

Last edited: 2024-11-11
