
5226 SIB - Course 5: IB Business Project: Sustainable Internationalization Strategies - A Project with Siemens Mobility
Laurenz Elias Tinhof, MSc.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/12/25 to 02/16/25
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Monday 03/10/25 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.5.18
Monday 03/17/25 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.5.18
Monday 04/07/25 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.5.18
Tuesday 05/06/25 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM D5.1.002
Monday 05/19/25 10:00 AM - 02:00 PM TC.5.18

This course focuses on sustainable internationalization strategies and is conducted in cooperation with Siemens Mobility Austria GmbH, a global leader in the field of mobility and infrastructure. The multinational company develops solutions to enable the efficient, safe and environmentally friendly transport of passengers and goods, improving the quality of life for millions of people.

The portfolio of Siemens Mobility is comprised of following Business Units: Rolling stock, Rail Automation and Electrification, Intelligent Traffic Systems and Customer Services. The company is active in more than 190 countries. Siemens Mobility Austria is the regional headquarter for 17 countries in Central Eastern Europe.

As a multinational company with a headquarter function for the SEE region, Siemens Mobility Austria is continuously seeking new market opportunities and analyzing the environment it is operating in.
This search for new opportunities is the focus of this course.

**** To be confirmed: This year course participants will conduct a market and competitor analysis for the rail infrastructure markets of Romania, Croatia, and Serbia. The focus of the analysis is put on emerging competition from Chinese companies and the rising importance of geopolitics on Siemens Mobility Austria's international strategy.

We will assign each country-market to two student teams, which will then compete to provide the most relevant analysis and recommendation to our Siemens Mobility Austria jury in the mid-term and final presentations. ****

Learning outcomes

Within this course, students will learn to

  • investigate and structure a complex strategic management challenge that a company faces in its international market environment,
  • conduct an in-depth international market and competitor analysis,
  • develop alternative strategic solutions that are viable under the given organizational and financial constraints,
  • propose a decision for the most promising solution using presentation techniques,
  • work in teams, and
  • support their strategic recommendation with key arguments based on stringent reasoning
Attendance requirements

Students have to attend at least 80% of the scheduled sessions in order to meet the attendance requirements. However, there is a compulsory attendance for sessions 1,3, and 5 and further it is not possible to collect participation points in case of absence. This is an in-class course with required physical presence .

Teaching/learning method(s)

This course uses a mixture of different teaching methods, including

- teacher presentations,

- in-class discussions,

- expert presentations,

- site visits,

- real life case studies,

- group assignments.


Grading is based on four elements:

- Participation (20%)

- Mid Term Presentation (20%)

- Final Presentation (30%)

- Multiple Choice Test (20%)

- Peer Rating (10%)

Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Prerequisites for WU students: completed course 1 (Foundations) and course 2 (Applications). The course is open to all exchange students with an interest in international business.


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Last edited: 2025-01-13
