
5384 Intercultural Business Communication
Univ.Prof. Dr. Nadine Thielemann, M.A.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
02/03/25 to 03/07/25
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Tuesday 03/11/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 03/18/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 03/25/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 04/01/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 04/08/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 04/29/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 05/06/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 05/13/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 05/20/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 05/27/25 08:00 AM - 10:00 AM TC.4.13
Tuesday 06/03/25 08:00 AM - 10:30 AM D4.0.039

The course combines theoretical foundations with hands-on research experience, enabling students to conduct a qualitative research project in teams, focusing on intercultural business communication. As part of the International Business Communication specialization, the course bridges theoretical knowledge with methodological expertise, fostering independent research skills through a student-centered approach, interactive learning, and collaboration in heterogeneous teams.

Students will:

  • Identify and refine a research topic related to real-world challenges in multicultural workplaces by engaging with relevant literature.
  • Apply qualitative research methods, conduct interviews, transcribe data, and analyze it using content analysis.
  • Present their findings both orally and in written form.
  • Enhance teamwork and social skills through collaborative research.

In addition, the course introduces different concepts of culture and communication and their interdependence. Students engage with key communication theories and models as well as crucial topics in intercultural business communication, such as rapport management, linguistic and cultural diversity, multilingualism, and language management. A dedicated session on intercultural training provides insights into theoretical foundations and evaluation criteria for various training offers.

By integrating research-based learning with practical applications, the course equips students with essential academic and professional skills.

Learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Analyze intercultural business communication in practice: Apply key theories and models to understand how cultural backgrounds shape communication in professional and organizational settings.
  • Conduct research on intercultural business interactions: Design and carry out a qualitative research project on communication in multicultural workplaces, using interviews and content analysis.
  • Critically assess linguistic and cultural diversity in business contexts: Evaluate challenges and strategies related to multilingualism, language management, and rapport building in international business communication.
  • Enhance teamwork and intercultural competence: Collaborate effectively in diverse research teams, developing skills essential for working in global business environments.
  • Communicate research findings professionally: Present insights on intercultural business communication in a clear and structured manner, both orally and in writing.
  • Evaluate intercultural training programs: Gain theoretical and practical knowledge to critically assess the quality and effectiveness of intercultural training in corporate and organizational contexts.

By integrating research-based learning with real-world business communication challenges, the course equips students with essential academic, methodological, and professional skills for international workplaces.

Attendance requirements

Students are expected to attend all timetabled classes (max. 2 absence, PI - 80 % attendance)

Teaching/learning method(s)

This course employs a research-based and interactive learning approach that combines theoretical input with practical application. The teaching design includes:

  • Lectures and theoretical input: Foundational concepts, theories, and models of intercultural business communication are introduced and critically discussed.
  • Case study discussions: Students analyze real-world examples of intercultural business communication in groups, applying theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.
  • Home readings: Assigned readings provide deeper insights into key topics and prepare students for discussions and research tasks.
  • Interactive activities and simulations: Diverse tasks, including role-plays and simulations, help students develop intercultural awareness and communication strategies.
  • Collaborative research project: In small teams, students conduct a qualitative research project, applying research methods to analyze communication in multicultural business settings.

This student-centered approach fosters active engagement, critical thinking, and teamwork while equipping students with both academic and professional skills essential for international business communication.


Assessment is based on the following components

individual assignments

in-class  participation - 100

review  of crucial concepts based from selected readings & discussion (peer-to-peer feedback) on the reviews - 400

reflection on having conducted a qualitative interview (incl. upload of the interview transcript) - 100

group assignment

Group project - 400


Grading scale
100-90 % - "sehr gut", 89-80 % - "gut", 79-70 % - "befriedigend", 69-60 & - "genügend". Less than 60 % - "nicht genügend".

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Availability of lecturer(s)

by appointment

Unit details
Unit Date Contents
1 1

What is intercultural communication?

intercultural simulation

course aims & content


2 2

conceptualizing culture in anthropology and social psychology (values, behavioral standards etc.)

intersectionality and multicollectivity

3 3

conceptualizing culture in language & communication

rich points and hot spots in intercultural communication

rapport management in intercultural business communication and beyond

Assignment Exploring Concepts - deadline 


4 4

research project (I) - Exploring intercultural communication in business & society


- finding & determining a qualitative research question

- data & method

After this session each project group will develop a time schedule for their project which specifies the tasks and allocates them to them team members!


5 5

language management and multilingualism in organisations

peer-to-peer feedback - deadline

6 6

research project (II) - groups discuss their project outline (research question, access to field etc.) - peer-to-peer feedback on the uploaded project sketches (incl. interview guides)

Upload of project description including preliminary interview guide before this session!





7 7

research project (II) - final coaching session & feedback on your research plan (topic, research question, respondents & access to the field, interveiw guide)

Upload the revised version of your project in time!


8 9

research project (III) - analysing interview data (coding strategies, software tools) and preparing your project results for presentation


9 8

research project (IV) - in-class clinic - teams consult with lecturer in class

(applying  across cultures (culturally coined strategies in application documents, communicative styles in job interviews)

10 10

intercultural trainings (demands, formats)

11 11

Groups present the results of their research projects in the plenary (15 min slots) and moderate the discussion (5 min)

Do not forget to upload your project summary, latest a week after your group presentation!


Last edited: 2025-03-05
