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LEARN - WU's learning and information portal

LEARN - WU's learning and information portal

Here you will find step-by-step instructions on the individual applications and functions of MyLEARN as well as on the digital exams.

Teaching and Learning Academy

Suggestions for the design of your lectures and teaching methods in academia


In this area you can find all the lectures of the current study offers at WU.

Student Support Area

Themed "Studying made easy" you get a number of support offers for your study life on these pages.


Fit4Research is the WU Library's open access eLearning program about subjects such as library use, research techniques, and reference management.


The portal of the WU offers open educational resources about business and business related subjects.



Dive into Central & Eastern European business – Apply for the Master Class CEE 2024-25 now

The application for the new MC CEE 2024/25 has started already and is open until October 24, 2024. The MC CEE is a compact and practice-oriented complementary study program on CEE management for WU master and doctoral students free of charge. We guarantee you a deep learning on CEE business and a great time in a multicultural team. All we want from you is your interest, commitment, and cooperation.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to enrich your studies at WU - apply now.

More information & application click here!

Source: LEARN


24. September 2024 — Update! Oktober 2024

Rückmeldung WS 2024/25 | Master's Day | Bewerbung englische Masterstudien | Sonderzuschuss Mobilitätsstipendium | Bewerbung International Short Program Buenos Aires | Go Global 2024 | Bachelor-Auslandssemester - neues Bewerbungsverfahren | Workshop "Interview Ready" für Bewerbung Auslandssemester | "Lernen macht Schule" wird "NextGenBuddies" | Life Skills upgraden | Peer Groups im Studium | Career Calling | Restplätze für Sprachkurse | Sprachcafé | Lehrbücher für eure LVs | read!t Literaturlisten | WU Impact Community

Source: Study Support


Bachelor’s students: New Application Procedure for Exchange Stays abroad

The application for an exchange semester abroad has changed. The new features include:

  •        Application Form instead of motivation letter
  •        One application period for Europe & overseas
  •        Second allocation round in January
  •        With only one application you can choose three to seven partner universities

Also the application for BBE Double Degree has changed.

Get acquainted with the new application procedure already now – do not hesitate to ask the International Office, if you have questions!

More Information from International Office:

IO Website

IO Opening Hours

IO Group Advisory Meetings and Workshops

IO Instagram

Source: LEARN


Bachelor’s students: New Workshop “Interview Ready”

Prepare yourself in the best possible way for the interview in the new application procedure with our brand new workshop: „Interview Ready: Prepare for Your Stay Abroad Application”! WU ZBP Career Center and the International Office will go through relevant content with you, prepare you for the interview and give you tips on facial expressions, gestures, relaxation... A really interesting workshop!

You can choose from these dates, but you need to register:

We will be glad to see you there!

More Information from International Office:

IO Website

IO Opening Hours

IO Group Advisory Meetings and Workshops

IO Instagram

Source: LEARN


THE Event “Go Global” 2024

Get international with our popular event "Go Global"! This year it will take place in the LC building on October 23, 2024 from 10:00am to 3:00pm. All International Office staff will be available to answer your questions. In the Speaker's Corner, former exchange students will talk about their experiences and will also be happy to answer your questions. Other WU-internal and external partners will also be on site, e.g. some WU service institutions, embassies and scholarship offices.

We look forward to seeing you there!

More Information from International Office:

IO Website

IO Opening Hours

IO Group Advisory Meetings and Workshops

IO Instagram

Source: LEARN


17. September 2024 — Neue digitale Sammlung zu Reklamemarken

Die Universitätsbibliothek macht besondere Bestände und Sammlungen der WU Schritt für Schritt auch online zugänglich.

Source: University Library