
0070 Grundzüge der IKT
Till Winkler, M.Sc.
Contact details
Weekly hours
Language of instruction
09/17/20 to 10/04/20
Registration via LPIS
Notes to the course
Day Date Time Room
Wednesday 10/07/20 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.3.03
Wednesday 10/14/20 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM D5.0.001
Wednesday 10/21/20 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM D5.0.002
Wednesday 10/28/20 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.03
Wednesday 11/04/20 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM D4.0.022
Wednesday 11/11/20 09:30 AM - 01:30 PM D4.0.022
Wednesday 11/18/20 11:00 AM - 01:00 PM TC.5.27
Procedure for the course when limited activity on campus

The course will be held in synchronous hybrid mode. This means:

  • Rotation: Only 50% participants (max. 15 participants) will be able to attend each class physically. Each session will be rotated. In the end all students will attend 50% of the class on campus. Groups will be communicated and assigned.
  • Live-Stream: The other 50% will be able to watch the entire class in a synchronous live stream. Additionally, there will be an asynchonous communication channel during each session via LEARN Chat.
  • Attendance: Attendance is compulsory at all dates (physically or online). In particular, attendance at the first course unit is a prerequisite for further participation.

The course content, learning outcomes and the performance assessment remain unaffected by the changes. Depending on the situation, the final exam might be conducted online.


The tremendous technological advances in information and communication technologies, especially in the Internet of Things and Cyber Physical Systems, have enabled the development of highly autonomous systems (i.e., robots) that act in the physical and virtual worlds. Information and the robots that are processing it are expected to be available everywhere and at all times.

Today’s E-Business relies on highly networked, data-driven ICT systems and machines taking autonomous decisions. Virtual and physical environments begin to merge surfacing in technology trends such as "industry 4.0", "drones" and "smart assistants". In the physical environment objects are identified, environment is sensed and interaction between computers and humans is pushed to the invisible. In the virtual environment behavioral data is collected. Business intelligence applications help to combine both information sources to gain new insights. But the ubiquitous availability of information and the autonomous machines using it impose risks which need to be minimized to protect humans and businesses.

This course will provide you with:

  • an introduction to central terminology and concepts used in ICT
  • selected historical perspectives on current technology and its development
  • selected insights on open source software projects & working groups
  • perspectives on ubiquitous computing and surrounding technology
  • basic knowledge on web technology and concepts
  • an introduction to big data and its underlying architecture
  • selected perspectives on IT Governance
  • a basic introduction into IT Security
Learning outcomes

After attending this research-guided course, students will be able to understand, describe and judge key information and communication technologies that support electronic business transactions and smart commerce environments.

Subject-related skills

  • Know what technologies are used for business in electronic environments (fixed/mobile systems, data collection (i.e. RFID), networks, localization technologies).
  • Understand the fundamental challenges in the emerging area of mobile and ubiquitous computing.
  • Understand the evolution of interfaces between humans and computers from direct manipulation to implicit interaction.
  • Judge on the impact technologies will have and how their technical traits and capabilities foster and limit their business use and deployment potential.

Transferable skills

  • Ability to analyze and judge the suitability of technical solutions and services in Business.
  • Ability to discuss research-oriented topics related to the design, application, deployment and risks of information technology in business contexts.
Attendance requirements

Standard PI (=”prüfungsimmanent” - continuous assessment of course work) attendance policy applies: In general, attendance is mandatory.

A maximum of 4 hours (or 20%) absence is acceptable. The attendance in the introductory unit is mandatory (else you will lose the place in the course).

Teaching/learning method(s)

The course is taught in an interactive manner and guided by research. In addition to input from the instructor, students are expected to participate in in-class team assignments and deliver team presentations to peers. Moreover, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their obtained skills in a written exam.


Attendance: Regular attendance is a prerequisite for passing the course.

Three types of deliverables:

  • 5% In-class participation
  • 15% Homework or in-class assignments
  • 20% Team presentation
    • Presentation material is due 24 hours before the actual presentation.
    • All team members will be asked to present their part of the presentation.
    • The presentation shall be interactive interactive.
    • Assessment criteria: information, structure, presentation skills, time management, material
  • 60% Final exam
    • A minimum of 50% must be achieved to pass the course.
    • There will be no repeated examination.

Grading system:

  • 87.5% - 100% = "Sehr gut" (Excellent)
  • 75% - 87.49% = "Gut"  (Good)
  • 62.5% - 74.99% = "Befriedigend" (Satisfactory)
  • 50% - 62.49% = "Genügend"  (Sufficient)
  • Below 50% = "Nicht Genügend"  (Fail)
Prerequisites for participation and waiting lists

Registration to AG “Einstieg in die SBWL Business Information Systems” (“Entrance into SBWL Business Information Systems”) in LPIS.

Students will be ranked according to the current entrance criteria by the WU vice rectorate for teaching and notified whether they have a spot in the course Basics of ICT.


Important note: Please be on time for the first unit! Attendance for the first session is mandatory for registered students. If you cannot make it to class in time please make sure to inform the lecturer via email 24 hours before the first unit takes place.

Recommended previous knowledge and skills

Der Kurs baut auf Wissen aus BIS I auf.

Der Kurs wird auf Deutsch abgehalten. Das bedeutet, dass die LV-Leiterinnen in deutscher Sprache vortragen und auch die Diskussionen im Kurs auf Deutsch stattfinden. Das gesamte Lehrmaterial (z.B. Folien, Skripte, Artikel, etc.) ist jedoch in englischer Sprache gehalten. Studierende, die an diesem Kurs teilnehmen wollen, müssen somit sowohl die deutsche als auch die englische Sprache (mündlich und schriftlich) gut bis sehr gut beherrschen (Texte flüssig lesen, verstehen und zusammenfassen können).

Availability of lecturer(s)



Feedback: The students are encouraged to provide feedback at any time to the instructor either orally or per E- Mail. Furthermore, this course is evaluated each semester.

Academic Dishonesty: Academic misconduct (plagiarism, cheating, etc.) will be prosecuted in accordance with the university’s policies and regulations.

Additional information on MyLEARN.
Last edited: 2020-09-07
