Information Systems Major
- Business Administration
Information Systems
- Algorithmic thinking and Programming (4)
- Designing Information Systems (2)
- Formal Methods in Information Systems (2)
- Data Communication and Computer Networks (2)
- Data and Network Security (3)
- Data and Knowledge Engineering (2)
- Information Systems Project Governance and Management (2)
- Business Process Management (3)
- Economics
Social Skills
- Social Skills (10)
- Cross-Cultural Competence (19)
- Academic Research Techniques
Research Methods
- Research Methods (1)
- Methods of Empirical Social Research
- Access to Specialisation in Business Administration
Specialization in Business Administration
- Business Information Systems
- Change Management and Management Development
- Data Science
- Decision Sciences: Game Theory, Psychology, and Data Analysis
- Digital Marketing
- Diversity Management
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Ethics for Management, Organizations, and Society
- Finance: Markets, Institutions and Instruments
- Retailing and Marketing
- Information Management and Control
- International Accounting and Controlling
- International Business
- International Marketing Management
- Knowledge Management
- Marketing
- Marketing and Consumer Research
- Organization
- Human Resource Management
- Production Management
- Public and Nonprofit Management
- Accounting and Taxation
- Strategy and Organization
- Supply Networks and Services
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Management and Controlling
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Business Training & Education Management
Specialization in Business Administration
- Business Information Systems
- Change Management and Management Development
- Data Science
- Decision Sciences: Game Theory, Psychology, and Data Analysis
- Digital Marketing
- Diversity Management
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Ethics for Management, Organizations, and Society
- Finance: Markets, Institutions and Instruments
- Retailing and Marketing
- Information Management and Control
- International Accounting and Controlling
- International Business
- International Marketing Management
- Knowledge Management
- Marketing
- Marketing and Consumer Research
- Organization
- Human Resource Management
- Production Management
- Public and Nonprofit Management
- Accounting and Taxation
- Strategy and Organization
- Supply Networks and Services
- Transport and Logistics Management
- Management and Controlling
- Management and Organizational Behavior
- Business Training & Education Management
Business Mathematics
- Course III (1)
- Course IV (1)
Business Mathematics
- Free Electives
- Bachelor's Thesis
Additional links:
Specialization in Business Administration Course III
in Sommer 2024 found
Courses not assigned to a course repository:
E&I Zone 2: Product and Service Design
Mazzucato M., Delpero A., Kommol E.
Mazzucato M., Delpero A., Kommol E.
4 appointments from 03/20/24 to 04/26/24
E&I Zone 3: Entrepreneurial Skills - People and Pitching
Marhold K., Mazzucato M.
Marhold K., Mazzucato M.
6 appointments from 03/13/24 to 05/17/24
E&I Zone 4: Fintech Lab: Design your own Startup
Pannermayr T., Treytl V., Eisl A., Schultes M., Mösenbacher W.
Pannermayr T., Treytl V., Eisl A., Schultes M., Mösenbacher W.
5 appointments from 04/12/24 to 05/24/24