Additional Functions
read!t has some very handy functions, which you can use additionally. You can find them in the following subsections.
Communicating with the Library
Making a digitization request
You can send digitization requests for individual book chapters to the library.
To do this, you must first add the book to the respective read!t list via the catalog, as described in step 2 and step 3.
Then click on the item that you would like to have partially digitized so that you have a large view of it, Then click on the button Add tags to item [A.1.].
A drop-down menu will appear containing several different tags. Select Digitization request [B.1.] from the tags.
After a copyright check, library staff will scan the requested pages or chapters of the book/article and make the digitized copy available via link directly in read!t.
Adding an item to the textbook collection
If you want to add an item to the textbook collection, first click on the book and then on the Add tags to item field [C.1.].
A drop-down menu opens, from which you select the tag Textbook Collection [D.1.]
Now the tag textbook collection is visible beneath the details of the respective book and read!t automatically submits your request to the library.
Tagging items as mandatory or additional readings
While adding your items to your reading list, a pop-up window will ask you, if they are mandatory or additional. Through these tags, the library learns which books and articles you need for your students, and makes it available.
Once you have set the tags, you can also change them: To do so, click on the Add tags to item [E.1.] beneath the details of your book/article.
A drop-down menu opens from which you can select Mandatory or Additional [F.1.].
Please do not forget to delete your old tags which are no longer used. To do that, click the small cross [G.1.] next to the respective tag.
Publishing a list and sending it to the library
When your list is complete, please do not forget to publish it and send it to the library. To do this, click the PUBLISH button in read!t [H.1.]
Communicating with Your Students
Tags for mandatory or additional readings as tips for your students
The tags you use to mark items as mandatory or additional can communicate to your students which readings are mandatory and which are additional.
After your tags are set, you can also change them: To do so, click on the Add tags to item [I.1.] field beneath your item.
A drop-down menu opens from which you can select Mandatory or Additional [J.1.] as required.
Don't forget to delete your old tags that are no longer used. To do that, please click the small cross [K.1.] next to the respective tag.
Public notes for messages to your students
You can send messages to your students by adding public notes to the items on your reading list.
To do this, click on the item to which you want to add a public note, so you can see it enlarged. Under the Public Note field, click Add public note [L.1]. In the field that now appears, you can enter a message to the students, such as a question about the content or even which chapters they should read [M.1.]. Finally, click on SAVE [M.2.].
Administrative Functions
Changing language settings
You have the choice between a German and an English interface in read!t.
To change the language settings klick on the two small arrows on the right from your reading list[N.1.].
Now, click on your initials [O.1] which appear in the area to the right of your read!t list. A window will then pop up where you can choose between German and English [O.2] via a drop-down menu.
Adding collaborators to your reading lists
In read!t you can also create collaborative reading lists.
To add collaborators to your list, click on the arrow next to Collaborators [P.1.] to the right of your read!t list.
The names of the current collaborators will appear and below them the field Manage collaborators [P.2].
If you click on it, you have the possibility to add employees working at WU to your list via a search field [Q. 1], in which you enter the name of each persons.
Finally, click on OK [Q.2].
Enabling/disabling notifications for your reading list
You will receive an automatic notification e-mail via read!t as soon as an activity is registered on your list. Such as when an item , comment or note is added or a tag is changed.
To deactivate/activate these notifications, click on the two downward pointing arrows [R.1.] to the right of your read!t list.
Now you can see your initials [S.1.]. Click on them, and a window will appear, where you can select the item User Settings [S.2.].
Then, a pop-up window opens where you can disable or enable notifications with a tick [T.1.].
Finally, click on SAVE [T.2.].
Other Useful Functions
Private notes
You can write private notes attached to individual items on your read!t list.
To do so, click on the respective item, and under the private note field, click Add private note [a.1.].
In the field that now appears you can enter your note [b.1.] . Finally, click SAVE [b.2.].
My Collection - the personal collection area
With My Collection read!t users, staff, as well as students, have a personal collection area for items in read!t. Here, interesting readings for courses or research projects can be collected, and suggested for courses.
To add items to My Collection, click on the button to the left of the title of your read!t list [c.1.]. A drop-down menu will open. Please select My Collection [c.2], thus entering your personal collection area.
If you now click on ADD ITEM [d.1.], you can add books and articles via the WU catalog [d.2.].
You can suggest readings for other lists via My Collection. To do this, first click on the three dots menu [e.1.] next to the respective item in My Collection.
A drop-down menu will then open from which you can select Suggest this item [e.2].
A pop-up window then appears where you select the list from a drop-down menu [f.1.] for which you want to suggest the item. After that, click on ADD SUGGESTION [f.2.].
Another window will pop up with the information that your suggestion has been added to the selected list. Finally, click on CLOSE [g.1.].
My Collection knows another function: You can suggest readings for a course via My Collection.
To do this, go to your reading list in read!t and click on ADD ITEM[h.1.]. A window appears to the right, and under the option Search in WU Catalog, you will find the field My Collection [h.2.].
Please click on it.
Now a field with your collected readings appears, and you select the desired item with a click [i.1.] and add it to a section of your list [i.2.].
Finally, a pop-upwindow appears and you choose a tag [j.1.] and click CONFIRM [j.2.].
Cite It!
With Cite It! bookmarklet you can easily add items from databases, websites and video portals to your read!t lists.
To install it, first click on the arrows in the area right to your reading list [k.1].
When your initials [l.1] appear, click on them and from the drop-down menu select Cite It [l.2.].
Then, a window will pop up. Here, you take and drag the CITE IT! button [m.1] to your bookmarks toolbar .
When you now have a web page open, and want to link it to one of your reading lists in read!t, simply click on the Cite It! bookmarklet [n.1.] and a window will open via which you can add the information to a read!t list.
To do so, select the read!t list to which you want to add the website, video portal or database entry [n.2.], and then select the section on the respective list [n.3.].
Then, click the ADD & CLOSE button [n.4.].
Adding other available editions of an item to your read!t list
After you have added a specific edition of an item to your read!t list, it's possible to add other available editions of the same resource to your read!t list.
As an example, we are using the book "Macroeconomics" by Blanchard published by Pearson in the eight edition in 2021.
Click on it to view the item in full size. On the right-hand side, you will see a field Other Formats & Editions [o.1.]. Open the drop-down menu by clicking on the arrow. This will reveal the field Other Editions [o.2.], which you can open again to access another drop-down menu. There, you will find the various editions and formats of the item which are available via the WU Library.
Scroll down until you find an edition which you want to make available to your students. In our example, we chose the electronic edition of the book from the year 2017 [p.1.]. Now, click on ADD TO LIST [p.2.].
You will then be asked to tag the item [q.1.]. After you have chosen a tag, CONFIRM [q.2.] your selection.
The edition of the item that you have added in this manner will now appear in the same section of your read!t list as the original title.
Contacting library staff
For help and support, please feel free to contact us by phone or email:
Phone: +43 1 31336-5073