Different exam modes
The most frequent types of exams held at WU are multiple choice tests, written exams, and oral exams. Bear in mind that it can be helpful to have different studying strategies on hand for the different exam formats, and also that you will study more efficiently and learn more if you pay attention to your own biological rhythm and make sure you work during those times of day when you’re at your most productive.
WU exam types
Multiple choice tests
When will you encounter them? Introductory and orientation phase, Common Body of Knowledge
- Use study materials on LEARN, work through the exercises and sample exams.
- Be conscientious. Review each chapter carefully, and ask yourself, for example: What are the most important points that were covered? Which questions could be on the test?
- The more carefully you have studied the materials, the less likely you are to be confused or misled by incorrect multiple choice options.
Written exams
When will you encounter them? Common Body of Knowledge, main program phase
- Use study materials on LEARN, work through the sample exams.
- Pay close attention to the instructor in class. What’s important to them? What do they focus on particularly? Which materials have already been covered by a midterm or other test?
- Talk to fellow students who have already completed the course.
Oral exams
When will you encounter them? Subject examinations (FP) consisting of a written and an oral part
- Pay close attention to the instructor in class. What’s important to them? Find out if the class instructor will also be administering the exam.
- Talk to fellow students who have already taken the exam. How were the questions asked? What was the main focus? How was the general atmosphere?
- If possible, attend an exam as a spectator.
- Role-play an oral exam situation.