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Release Notes 2022

On this page you can find an extract of the current Release Notes of MyLEARN, structured into New Features and Bug Fixes. We only list the topics which are of immediate interest and relevance for course teachers, students and administrators for their work with MyLEARN.

Release 2022_07_13

New Features

Topic Upload of Feedback Files for Digital Exams
Area Digital Exams
Description When grading exams, teachers can upload one or more feedback files.
Benefit These feedback files allow teachers to to provide extensive feedback on assignments.

Topic Bulk Upload of Assessments in Learning Activities
Area Learning activities
Description From now on, within learning activities (at “Overview of assignments | Submitted”) a bulk upload of scores and comments (via CSV file) is possible.
Benefit This bulk action allows, for example, offline grading followed by the collective import of all scores.

Release 2022_04_05

New Features

Topic Bulk-Actions for Question Management
Area Digital Exams: Preview of Questions
Description New bulk-actions for adding questions to the clipboard and publishing or unpublishing questions.
Benefit The introduction of these bulk-actions allows teachers to efficiently manage questions.

Topic Correction Notes
Area Digital Exams: Correction Notes
Description A new text field has been added in each interaction type. Here teachers can store correction notes for the assessment of open-ended questions that must be graded manually. These notes are only displayed to admins and cannot be viewed by students. 
Benefit This feature can support teacher in criterion-guided collaborative assessment of open-ended questions without having to leave the exam protocol. 

Topic Synchronization of Admins OPU-Teams
Area Online Exam Environment: Teams
Description Members of an OPU with the role "Administrators" will be synchronized with the activated examination Team in Microsoft Teams. Thus newly added admins will also be added to the examination Teams as "Besitzer" and persons who are removed as administrator from an OPU will also be removed from the examinsation Teams as "Besitzer". 
Benefit This feature allows an easy synchronization between the OPU administration and the administration of an allocated examination Team in Microsoft Teams. 

Release 2022_03_22

(Quasi) Bug fixes

Grading of exams with status "working"

Area Digital Exams: Grading

When students don't actively submit the exam until the end of the time-frame of the exam, their status stays "working". Closed-ended questions were not automatically graded in the exam protocol. 


Not really a bug - more of a former feature: The feature has been changed. Now automatically graded questions will also be automatically graded, when the status is still working as long as the exam is closed. 

New Features
Topic Improvement of the documentation of online supervision
Area Online Exam Environment: Online Supervision
Description When reviewing the online supervision documentation, conspicuous artefacts can now be marked and commented on. Unobtrusive images can be marked as "OK". In addition, when reviewing the documentation, it is possible to jump directly to the time when the exam started.
Benefit Marking and commenting on conspicuous artefacts facilitated communication between the people involved in the review. In addition, you can now skip any artefacts created within the preparation time for the exam.

Topic New option for member synchronization
Area Online Exam Environment: Synchronization
Description If the examination date has been linked to a course in Rooms, all participants and students of the course can automatically be transferred to the OPU as members with the role "member". For each course, the members are automatically assigned to a group in the OPU.
Benefit Examinees can be automatically synchronized with LV course members without the need to manually add or remove students. Automatic creation of groups facilitates the assignment of grading of exams by LV affiliation in a PI exam.

Topic Introduction of Proxy Interactions and Pool Folders
Area Digital Exams: Proxy Interactions
Digital Exams: Pool Folder
Description You can now use Proxy Interactions in the "Digital Exams" application, with or without Pool Folders. Proxy Interactions are not limited to one question type. In addition to MC and SC Interactions, also all open-ended question formats can be randomly drawn and mixed with pother formats.
Benefit The use of Proxy Interactions primarily serves to prevent cheating. Students receive a set of varying questions during the exam, which makes an exchange of correct answers more difficult.  This is especially of benefit in exams with primarily closed-ended questions.

Topic Canvas MC-scoring schema
Area Digital Exams: MC-Scoring Schema
Description The MC Interaction in the Digital Examination application now supports the grading scheme used for MC-questions (multiple-select questions) in Canvas.
Benefit You can now use the same grading scheme for exams as for multiple-choice exercises and assignments in Canvas. This makes grading more transparent for students.  

Topic Revision of the exam configuration
Area Digital Exams: Configuration
Description The overview of the exam settings has been thoroughly revised. All configuration information is presented in a more structured and clearer fashion. You can change the configuration settings at any point after creating an exam and before publishing the exam via the "Edit exam configuration" button.
Benefit The clear display of the exam configuration enables quick orientation before, during and after the exam.

Topic Linking questions and exams
Area Digital Exams: Preview of Questions
Digital Exams: Preview of Exams
Description The title of already created questions and exams in the "Digital Exams" application is now displayed as a link. With a click on the link, you get to the preview of the question, respectively to the overview of the exam.
Benefit The introduction of the links facilitates navigation within the "Digital Exams" application and reduces the number of clicks required to get to the preview of a question, for example.

Topic Entering points and comments via a pop-up window
Area Digital Exams: Grading
Description You will now enter points and comments in the examination protocol via a movable pop-up window. A yellow warning triangle indicates that a manual assessment is still pending.
Benefit You can position the pop-up window next to the students' text input to allow reading and commenting as parallel processes.

Topic CSV-Export of exam results
Area Digital Exams: Show Exam Results
Description You will now find the option of a CSV export of all scores directly via the exam log. This makes the creation of a grade book structure optional, as the CSV export can also be used to import the scores directly into a grade book of your choice.
Benefit The CSV export makes it possible to combine the results from several exams in the OPU grade book (e.g. regular and BeAble exams), or to completely dispense with the use of a grade book in the OPU. Students can also see the points they have achieved per question and in total directly in the exam log e.g. during the exam inspection.

Release 2022_01_18

Bug fixes

Individual time extension in Peer Review Assignment

Area Peer Review

If an individual time extension was set for selected students on a peer review assignment, those students' assignments were still automatically submitted by the general deadline.  The time extension had to be set again.


This bug has been solved. The individual time extension can now be set right after the peer review assignment (see MyLEARN Guide) and is mapped correctly.

New Features

Notification function for posts in the feedback chat

Area Peer Review

Students can now activate a notification in a Peer Review Feedback to be notified by email when new questions/feedbacks arrive in the feedback chats. By clicking on "Request notification for "Name"", students set whether they want to be informed about new posts in the chat immediately, hourly or daily (see MyLEARN-Guide).

Benefit The notification feature keeps students up-to-date, eliminates the need to check the chat regularly, and allows them to respond promptly to questions and answers in the feedback chat.