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Online Exam Environment


With the start of the coming winter semester 2022/23, the "Learning Activities" application will be deactivated in the online exam environments (OPUs). Exams can then only be created with the "Digital Exams" application.

Online exam environments (OPUs) can be created in MyLEARN to carry out online exams. Online exams are written exams that are administered synchronously via MyLEARN at a specified and limited time frame (cf. Information at the homepage "Teaching and Learning 21/22").

You can use an OPU,

  • if you don't want your online exam to be held in the regular course environment on MyLEARN,
  • if you want to carry out an online exam with an online supervision or
  • if you have a common online exam date for multiple courses.

Download overview of guide-content with links:  OPU (EN) Links.pdf

A newly created OPU contains automatically generated portlets that contain information for students, as well as automatically activated applications that you can use for your online examination. In addition, each OPU contains an examination statement that students must accept before the exam begins (see Example).

Portlets: The following portlets appear on the left column of the "Home" page of your OPU and serve as information for students. The contents of these fix portlets cannot be changed manually:

  • Portlet "Calendar": displays the exam date and a dynamically added date for the preparation period.
  • Portlet "Welcome": shows the date and time of the exam start and automatically synchronises with the exam date/time from Rooms .
  • Portlet "Examination with online supervison": appears only if online supervison was selected. Informs about the presence of the online supervision and its start time. Automatically synchronises with the exam date/time from Rooms.
  • Portlet "Your to-dos before taking an online exam": contents vary depending on the settings in the OPU. Links to the most important advance information for students (e.g. process information).
  • Portlet "MS Teams for communication"; only appears if Microsoft Teams is activated. Informs about the use of Teams for communication during the examination and includes the link to the examination team for students' self-enrolment in the examination team. 

The Portlet "Information" appears on the right-hand column of the Home page of your OPU. It is the only portlet that you can customise. This is where you enter all those important pieces of information about the individual examination that are not yet apparent from the Fix portlets (e.g. about the examination design).

Applications: The applications already activated in your OPU include:

  • Calendar: to inform students of their exam date and preparation time deadline.
  • Gradebook: to inform students about their exam result, to convert the exam result into a grade by defining a grade key, to transfer exam results to the BACH system and when using the Digital Exams application.
  • Digital Exams: This application allows you to create your online written exams.
  • E-Mail: to send group emails or emails to individual students.

Two other applications are available:

  • News: to post exam related information on the OPU's "Home" page.
  • Forum: as a (moderated) communication channel alternative to Microsoft Teams.

Create an Online Exam Environment (OPU)

Several steps and prerequisites are necessary to create an Online Exam Environment (OPU).


A new OPU will be created for each exam/late exam date. Bundling different exam dates/times in (or under) one OPU is - due to the close connection to the appointment management in Rooms - no longer possible.

To create an OPU, first you have to book the exam date via Rooms, if this was not done yet with the announcement of  your course. To book the exam date via Rooms, please proceed as follows:

  1. Open the course administration in Rooms.
  2. Open the administration of the LV appointments (Bookings | Teaching) or alternatively create an internal appointment. 
  3. Create a new appointment or select an already created appointment. 
  4. Select "Online Unit" as room.
  5. Click on "Save".
  6. With a click on "P", mark the desired appointment as "exam". The appointment should exactly cover the examination time (e.g. 90 minutes examination = appointment 10:00-11:30). The preparation time is not included in the booking (see note below).
  7. If this exam takes place as joint appointment with other courses (e.g. for a PI), mark this appointment as "same time as LV..." by clicking on "T".
  8. Confirm all entries and proceed to "Book".

Please note the following important information:

  • The synchronisation of the entries in Rooms with MyLEARN takes place within 24 hours and in the morning. It therefore takes a while until you see the dates for your online examination in the Academic Unit or until changes to the time, for example, are also transferred to an OPU that has already been created. 
  • Dates for online examinations from the major examination week are booked directly by the staff of the examination organisation. Examiners will be informed of the booking and will see the completed OPU on the MyLEARN homepage under "My online exams". 
  • Do not book preparation time via Rooms for exams in an OPU. The preparation time (30 or 15 minutes) is only selected in the OPU and is linked to the OPU as a calendar date. Students will see the date for the preparation time in their calendar as soon as they have been added to the OPU as a member. If you want students to receive information about the preparation time beforehand, please send this information out separately to students (e.g. via syllabus, announcement, group email).

How do I schedule an exam so that students do not see the date? /see the date as part of their regular course dates?

You can create an online exam in an OPU as a fallback solution for an exam in the classroom. In addition to booking the appointment for the exam in the classroom, proceed as follows:

  1. Create a parallel exam appointment as an online appointment and signpost it with "B" for "breakout date". This exam date is not displayed to the students, but you can view it in the Academic Unit and furnish it with an OPU.
  2. If you want to conduct the online exam instead of an exam in the classroom, navigate again to Rooms, delete the appointment for the exam in the classroom and remove the add-on "B" at the "breakout" appointment. Now, students will see this alternative appointment.
  3. Should you wish to conduct the online examination in addition to an exam in the classroom, then leave the addition "B" to the online examination date. Add the students to the OPU. Only the added students will then see the online examination date. 

Click HERE to learn more about how you can change date/time of the online exam (and therefore the calender entry, the start of online-supervison etc.) after you created the OPU. 

Example: Booking of an Online Exam date as a Breakout-Appointment

As soon as you booked the online examination date via Rooms, you can find it in MyLEARN in your academic unit. Thus, you can create an online exam environment (OPU).

  1. Visit your academic unit on the MyLEARN homepage under "My Academic units"
  2. Click left on "Online Exam Dates".
  3. Select the term of the exam and search for the exam date/title for which you want to create an OPU. If the desired appointment is not displayed, you have to enter it via Rooms (cf. Rooms. Information above). Click on "Actions" and select "Create new OPU". Please note that you can only perform this action if you are either the course administrator for this exam or the course editor in the academic unit. Current course editors can be looked up in the Academic Unit. ​​​​​
  4. The OPU Wizard opens. It will guide you through the setup of the new OPU.

OPU Wizard

In the OPU Wizard you can check the basic data of the examination date (academic units in which this appointment appears, booking data in rooms) and define further settings for the new OPU. Don't forget to confirm your entries by clicking on "OK" when you have made all the settings below to create the new OPU.

  • Under "Title", you can enter the name of the OPU, e.g.  "ICT Basics". The students will see the OPU at their MyLEARN starting page under "My Online Exams"  and under the assigned term.
  • Under "Administrators" all persons are displayed who are registered as course administrators for this date in Rooms. These are automatically added as administrators of the OPU. After creating the OPU, you can add additional administrators.
  • You can enter internal information in the field "notes for admins". This information can then be viewed and edited (in the OPU) by all administrators of the OPU and course editors. In addition, the information is visible to members of the associated academic unit(s). Student's won't see this information.
  • "Joint appointment" shows exam dates that have been marked as joint appointments in Rooms and take place at exactly the same time.
    Select the checkbox next to the online exam dates that should be linked to this OPU. You can change this link at any time.

If you choose an automated online supervision...

The automated exam supervision serves as a measure to prevent cheating. This involves recording footage of the student's camera image, desktop, and microphone. These can be viewed by the administrators of the OPU during or after the exam (see information for students).

Select "Yes", if you want an online supervision for your exam to activate the automated online supervision. If you do so, the start time for activating online supervision is automatically set to the preparation time (30 minutes before the start of the exam) and the end time is automatically set to 15 minutes after the end of the exam. You can change this end time of the automated online supervision at any time before the start of the exam, e.g., if you have to take an extension of time for BeAble students into consideration (Administrate > Configuration of automated online supervision). Please note that the start time of the online supervision can only be  changed directly by changing the appointment in Rooms and the synchonization of this change again takes up to 24 hours.

By activating the automated online supervision the following content is added to the OPU:

  • The examination statement is activated automatically. It is displayed to the students at the end of the pre-check of the online supervision and must be confirmed by them with one click.
  • 30 minutes of preparation time will be added as a calendar entry to the exam date entry.  This appointment is a recommendation to the students. Students should use this time to set up the online supervision and to report possible technical problems in advance of the exam and/or solve them independently if necessary.
  • The portlet "Examination with online supervision" (see screenshot) which informs about the start and end time of the activation of the online supervision.
  • A customized portlet "Your To-Dos Before an Online Exam" that informs students of their to-dos before the exam begins (including reading the data protection statement for online supervision and the technical checklist for exams with online supervision, taking a Browser-Multimedia-Test to check technical settings in advance, and participating in the current test runs for exams with online supervision

Finde HERE more information on the documentation of online supervision. 

If you don't choose an automated online supervision...

If you do not activate online supervision, you can select in the OPU Wizard whether the preparation time should start 15 or 30 minutes before the exam. The preparation time (15 or 30 minutes before the exam starts) is automatically selected as the start time for activating the examination statement. The end time of the examination statement is set 15 minutes after the end of the exam. You can change this end time before the exam starts if you want to take into account BeAble time extensions, for example (Administrate > Configuration of examination stetement).  Please note that the start time of the examination statement can only be changed directly by changing the appointment in Rooms and the synchronization of this change again takes up to 24 hours. 

The following contents will be added to the OPU if you have not selected online supervision:

  • The examination statement is activated automatically. It is displayed to the students with the start time of the preparation time and must be confirmed by them with one click.
  • Preparation time (15 or 30 minutes) as a calendar entry to remind students to enter the OPU on time for their exam.
  • A customized portlet "Your To-Dos Before an Online Exam" that informs students of their to-dos before exams begin (including carefully reading the technical checklist for exams without online supervision).

If you choose MS Teams as your communication channel...

An examination Team in Microsoft Teams helps you to communicate with your students during the exam in a structured way.  Select "Yes" to activate an exam team as a communication channel for your exam. Activating the team takes about 5 minutes and cannot be undone afterwards. The exam teams will be archived at the same time as the OPU. It has a special exam logo and has the name and start time of the exam in the title (see Screenshot "Example"). All administrators of the OPU with a WU e-mail address are automatically added as owners ("Besitzer") of the exam team.

In the exam team there are three pre-created channels that can be used optionally:

  • "Allgemein" channel: Inform students about important information or changes during the examination. 
  • Channel "Content related questions": Students can ask you exam-related questions about the exam.
  • Channel "Technical problems": Students can use this channel to get technical support (if provided) or to report an interruption or termination due to technical problems as described within the Technic Checklist.

Feel free to make changes or adjustments in the examination team, e.g. display channels, create more channels, remove channels, prepare announcements.

In the OPU, another fixportlet is also added with the exam teams: The Teams portlet informs students about the use of Microsoft Teams as a communication channel during the online exam and contains the participation link to the exam team. Students can use this to add themselves to the exam team independently.

If you don't choose MS Teams as your communication channel...

If you do not want to use Microsoft Teams as a communication channel during the examination, please inform the students about alternative communication options, e.g. forum or e-mail, which must be provided in any case.

When creating an OPU, the examination declaration is automatically activated, i.e. you do not have to do anything more for it here.

  • The examination statement appears in a pop-up window with the start of the exam preparation time. If online supervision is activated, the examination statement appears at the end of the Pre-Check Wizard for setting up online supervision.
  • The language of the examination statement (DE or EN) depends on the language settings of the browser used. If Google Chrome is set to English, the examination statement will also be displayed in English. 
  • For students, accepting the examination statement marks the acceptance of the examination and thus the start of the examination. The current wording of the examination statement can be found on the Study Service Centre's website and can also be viewed there in advance of the examination. Only when students have clicked on "Accept" do they return to the OPU and to their examination. If they do not confirm the examination statement, they will not have access to the OPU or the examination for the entire period of the examination. 

How do I see who has accepted the examination statement?

  1. In the OPU, click on "Administrate" in the left side menu.
  2. Under "examination statement", click on "Export list of users who accepted the examination statement."
  3. Save the CSV file.

The list shows who has accepted the examination statement and at what time. No entry next to a matriculation number means that the examination statement was not accepted and the student did not access the exam (= no attempt). If multiple entries are shown next to a matriculate number, it means that the student has left the OPU several times and entered again. This can happen, for example, if there are internet problems or problems with the online supervision.

Please make sure to make all changes in the basic settings and date/time of the online exam in time before adding stundents as examinees.

Changes in the basic settings

You can make changes using the OPU wizard. To open the OPU wizard again, please proceed as follows:

  1. In the OPU, click on "Administrate" in the left side menu.
  2. Under "OPU-Wizard", click on "Edit OPU basic settings".
  3. Confirm all changes with "OK".

Changes of the online exam's date

Make sure that all basic data of the online examination already fit before you create an OPU for the examination date. When the OPU is created, calendar appointments are automatically created and configurations are made within the OPU (e.g. with regard to the examination statement  and, if applicable, online supervision). Proceed as follows if, however,  there should still be a change to the appointment:

  1. Keep the online exam booked in Rooms and change the date (and if necessary also the time) here.
  2. Save the changes you have made. 
  3. A completely new appointment is now displayed under "Online Exam Dates".
  4. Create a new OPU for this appointment and copy the contents from the "old OPU" into the new OPU.
  5. Please note that a new MS Teams examination team was also created with the new OPU. Remove all members from the old objects (teams, OPU). Disconnected OPUs (without an linked examination date) are automatically archived and are still displayed under "Online Exam Environments".

Change of the online exam's time

  1. Keep the appointment booked in Rooms and only change the time here.
  2. Save the changes you have made.
  3. The changes to the time are synchronised in the OPU already created and displayed the next day (cf. synchronisation) 

Fill the Online Exam Environment

If you are a course administrator, you will find a list of all OPUs and of all online exam appointments in your Academic Unit.  If you are administrator of an OPU, you will find all OPUs which are not archived yet addditionally on your MyLEARN home page under "My Online exams":


Until the summer semester 2022 you can create written online exams with the application "Learning Activities" in MyLEARN.

At the same time, you can create online exams using the "Digital Exams" application. From the summer semester of 2022 onwards, you can only use the "Digital Exams" application to create written online exams in an online exam environment.

Please send an e-mail to if you would like to transfer exam content from the "Learning Activities" application to the "Digital Exams" application.

Use the portlet "Information" in your OPU, to inform students about the online exam. To edit the portlet, proceed as follows:

  1. In your OPU, click on "Administrate" in the left side menu.
  2. Then, click under "Start page information" on "Information".
  3. You can delete the instructions and the dummy text, but you should keep the heading.
  4. Enter the information about the online examination and save your entries with a click on the upper "OK" button.

Please orientate your input on the already existing headings in the portlet and consider that all further information is already given in the fixportlets (examination time, online supervision yes/no, start of supervision, technic checklist incl. information on the procedure of an online examination, etc.):

Contact for questions
Please name the contact persons for your students for all questions before the exam.

Online supervision rules (delete if not applicable)
Remind students of the online proctoring rules that should apply to your exam, e.g.:

  • Do not speak
  • Do not wear headphones
  • Do not leave your seat
  • Hold up permitted aids 5 Minutes before the start of the exam
  • etc.

You can find more possible rules here: Rules of Online Supervision Examples.docx. Please note that you should only compile an individual selection of 3-6 rules from these. Otherwise, these will no longer be noticed and remembered by the students. 

Structure of the exam

  • Which application do you use to create the exam ("Learning Activities" or "Digital Exams")?
  • Which question types does the online exam contain (e.g. MC questions, open questions)?
  • For exams with learning activities: Point out to your students if you use one or more measures to prevent cheating (e.g. hide list of questions, scramble questions, etc.). However, do not mention if you use different groups or work with question pools.

Procedure of the exam & permitted aid

  • Is a separate proof of identity necessary for this exam?
  • Where will students find the exam? When will the exam be visible to them (immediately, scheduled...)?
  • For exams with learning activities: If the online exam consists of several exam components: is there a recommended order or can students freely choose which exam components they start or end with? For exams with learning activities: Do students have different time limits within the total examination time to complete the individual components of the online examination (e.g. 30 minutes for open questions and 15 minutes for closed questions)?
  • For BeAble exams: where will these be found?
  • For exams with learning activities: Please advise your students when an exam is considered "completed".
  • Is the exam open-book or closed-book?
  • Does the online examination require special technical equipment beyond the required equipment (e.g. external software programmes)?
  • What aids are permitted during the exam (e.g. dictionaries, calculators, earplugs, paper/pencil, internet/Google, ...)? Specify whether digital or analogue aids may be used. 


  • How will you communicate with your students during the exam? (Recommendation: Microsoft Teams)
  • What are the communication rules (e.g. no screenshots of exam, no questions during the exam)?
  • Is active technical support provided during the exam or shall stundents only report if the exam was interrupted for technical reasons as described within the Technic Checklist?

Evaluation & exam review

  • How many points can students receive in total with the online examination? 
  • What assessment scheme is used (partial points, no partial points, etc.)?
  • When can students view their examination result?
  • Will you use a grade book? And if so, where?
  • How is inspection organised and by when will it be possible? 

Can I add further portlets?

You have the option to add additional portlets. But please note that students can find extensive information about online exams on the Study Service Center website and experience has shown that students read the information more precisely, the more reduced the text in the OPU is. If you still want to add a portlet proceed as follows:

  1. Click on "Administrate" in the left side menu of your OPU.
  2. Under "Start page information", click on "New Custom Portlet"
  3. Save your entry with a click on the upper "OK" button.

If your exam is not administrated by the examinations office...

Please add your students independently as exam participants* (with the role "member"). You have two possibilities to do this:

  • If the exam appointment is part of the course appointments in Rooms: Click on "Synchronisation of the participants (registration matching)" under "Administrate". Here you can transfer all participants and students from the courses linked to this exam appointment to this OPU with the role "member". The participants are automatically assigned to groups according to their course affiliation, which is convenient for assigning courses from a PIs. 
  • If the exam date is not part of the course dates in Rooms: Add your students independently as examination participants (in the role "member"). Use the Bulk-Upload Feature in LEARN (cf: How can I add multiple members at once?
  • Add colleagues as "administrators" by selecting the role "admin" (cf. manage members"). Administrators in the OPU are synchronised with the list of owners in teams. If you add an administrator in the OPU this person will also be added as a owner in Teams. If you remove an administrator in the OPU this person will also be removed as a owner in Teams. Changes directly in Teams do not affect the status of administrators in the OPU.

If your exam is administrated by the examinations office...

  • Students who have applied via LPIS for an exam in the major examination week via LPIS, are added by the team of the examinations office as members of the OPU after the end of the registration period. You do not need to do anything else.
  • Students of a PI, who take the exam in the framework of the major examination week, are added by the team of the examinations office at a die im Rahmen der Großprüfungswoche ihre Prüfung durchführen, werden vom Team der Prüfungsorganisation at a mutually decided time. Please Please discuss a possible appointment with your colleagues from the examinations office.
  • Add colleagues as "administrators" by selecting the role "admin" (cf. manage members")

Participant synchronization

  • Under "Administrate" and "Manage Members", click "Synchronisation of the participants (registration matching)" to synchronize enrollments and de-enrollments between BACH and LEARN. This will only synchronize data if participants have been automatically added to the OPU. 

Please Note:

  • As soon as students are members of the OPU, they see all content which is released and all information in the portlets at the "home" page of the OPU.
  • Please try to avoid changes after students have been added to the OPU as changes can unsettle the students.

Further FAQs

No. You don't have to. The text of the OPU and the contents of the automatically created portlets on the "Home" page will adapt to the students' MyLEARN language settings. The exception to this is the "Information" portlet, which you will fill in yourself.

As soon as students are members of an OPU, they will find the OPU on the MyLEARN homepage under "My Online Exams" and the respective semester. Since OPUs are automatically archived , students will only ever see the OPU of the current semester, provided they are registered as a member here. 

Before students are added as members to the OPU...

  • E-mail (e.g. a group email)
  • Announcement 
  • Microsoft Teams or Forum on MyLEARN

The OPU and the MS Teams for the exam are automatically archived 6 months after the exam date entered in ROOMS. Proceed as follows if you want to archive the OPU manually earlier (the teams will be archived at the same time):

  1. Click on "Adminstrate" in the OPU.
  2. Go to "Archive OPU" under "OPU Wizard".
  3. Confirm your selection with "Yes, I am sure".

Alternatively, you can archive the OPU directly in the Academic Unit. 

  1. Click on "Online Exam Dates" in your Academic Unit.
  2. Go to the appointment of your choice under "Actions" and click on "Archive". 
  3. Confirm your selection with "Yes, I am sure"

The archived online examination environments will still be visible for administrators and course administrators.  Important: Archived OPUs are no longer visible to students and can no longer be accessed by them. 

You can reactivate the OPU (and the examination team) at any given moment by clicking "Reactivate".

As an administrator, where do I see my archived online exam environments?

  1. Log in to MyLEARN and go to "My archived courses and communities" on the MyLEARN homepage
  2. Under the "My Online Exam Environments" section, the OPU will be displayed semester by semester.
  3. Click on one of the hyperlinks of an OPU to go to the archived OPU.

When will the online exam environments from GP week be archived?

Please contact the colleagues of the GP-week for detailed information. As a rule, the exam environments are archived 1-2 weeks before the respective next GP week. This is to prevent students from seeing past exam dates in the online exam overview and perhaps clicking here on the day of the exam. 

The link of an exam date with an OPU can be changed later. To remove the link, do the following:

  1. In the academic unit on MyLEARN, click on "Online Exam Dates".
  2. Next to the appointment of which you want to remove the link, click on "Actions" and select "Remove link to OPU" (Verknüpfung mit OPU lösen).

Thus, the link is removed and the administrators of this appointment are removed form the OPU if they are not administrators of a different appointment which is liked to the OPU.

The OPU is still in the list of the online exam environments of the academic unit and can be reused for other online exam dates (feature in progress).

BeAble students receive a time disadvantage compensation for their online examination. The corresponding time extension must be taken into account when designing BeAble exams as well as when configuring online proctoring or exam declaration. 

If your exam is not administered by the exam administration....

  • BeAble students check in with you directly with a confirmation from BeAble.
  • You create online exams with the timed disadvantage compensation in OPU and reconfigure the end time of online proctoring or exam declaration. Detailed instructions on how to independently manage online exams with BeAble students can be found here.

If your exam is administered by the exam organization....

  • BeAble students register for GP exams directly with BeAble, which sends a list of registered students and approved disadvantage compensation to Digital Teaching Services staff. 
  • Exams created with "Learning Activities": The online exams with the timed disadvantage compensation will be created as soon as you've finalized the original exam (for you).
  • Exams created with "Digital Exams": Please duplicate the original exam and set the new time extension (which can be easily done with this application).
  • The new end time of online supervision or examination statement will be set (for you) in the OPU administration.

If you have any questions about BeAble students taking exams, please contact the BeAble-Team.

Here it depends on what you want to show students in advance. 

  1. If you want to show students what kind of questions will be on the exam, then you can create a test exam (e.g. also as an exercise). For this you do not need an OPU.
  2. If you want students to be able to try out the online proctoring facility in advance, then point them to the Browser-Multimedia-Test.
  3. If you want students to play through the "complete package" (exam questions, OPU, proctoring), then point them to the dates for the test runs​​​​​. These are held before each GP week for all WU students.
  4. If students have never taken a test run before and it is no longer offered before your exam, then you can also enter a separate date for a self-organized test run in Rooms. This can be a breakout date of the regular course or a simple meeting date. The correct appointment settings are important (see Room's Booking). We recommend the following:
    • Clearly name the test run appointment as a "test run" so that students are not confused.
    • Advise students again that they should carefully work through the Tehcnical Checlist in case of technical problems.
    • Only write in the info portlet that this is an optional test run and do not give the usual detailed information about the exam.
    • Do not activate MS Teams
    • Archive the OPU as soon as you are done with the test run.
    • Provide a debriefing after the test run to clarify any questions about the test run. 
    • Important: for self-organized test runs, no technical co-support can be provided due to resource constraints. 

To find the documentation of the automated exam-supervision proceed as follows:

  1. Go to "Automated exam-supervision" under "Administrate" and select "List of recordings during an automated exam-supervision".
  2. You will get to an overview page with all students who have already successfully activated online supervision (cf. Screenshot: Overview Page). Per person it is displayed how many "artefacts", i.e. image or audio recordings, are already available. An artefact consists of an audio recording or a webcam and desktop recording, whereby these images were usually created somewhat later and are each shown together in one view here.

Clicking on the name takes you to the detailed view of the recordings:

  • Student Information: Name, immatriculation number, the official photo from the BACH database that is available for each student from the time of immatriculation (see Screenshot: Student Information).
  • Bulk-Action: Option to "Set everything as OK" or to "Flag everything for review".
  • Filter: Option to define a filter for an filtered display of the artefacts (see Screenshot: Filter Options). You have the choice of:
    • Reviewed = All artefacts that have been marked somehow (either confirmed OK or flagged for review).
    • Not reviewed = All artefacts that have not been checked, but may have been commented on.
    • Flagged = All artefacts that were marked with "Flag for review".
    • Confirmed OK = All artefacts that have been marked "Confirm OK".
    • All = All existing artefacts.
    • Filter = An additional filter with regard to date/time can further limit the displayed artefacts per student. You can for example select the current supervision configuration starting with the preparation time and ending with the official time window for exam-supervision. Those times can be furher adapted by changing the start and end time e.g. to show only artefacts produced during the exact time of the online examination.


The review of the artefacts can already be started during the examination. The following sifting strategies can be used:

PHASE 1: Initial screening

  • Mark all artefacts as "Confirm OK". Review the contents and change selected marks to "Flag for review" with/without comment" if necessary.
  • Review all artefacts and mark selected artefacts "Flag for Review". Later filter for flagged artefacts and add a comment.
  • Review all artefacts and mark selected artefacts with "Flag for review" and a comment.

Example: Artefact with webcam-/ and screenrecording (cf. Screenshot).
Example: Artefact with audio recording (cf. Screenshot).

PHASE 2: Clarification

If there has already been a manual check, the overview page will show whether artefacts have been flagged for review ("Flagged"). As soon as even one item has been marked for review, the status bar turns red.

Reviewers go through the list and look at the artefacts of exam-supervision with the filter set on "Flagged" for those who have flagged artefacts according to the overview page. They can change the status to "Confirm OK" and enter a comment, or they can leave the artefact marked for a subsequent review, e.g. by the study law staff: you can find more information here.

The data is stored during the 4-week assessment period and beyond that during the 2-week objection period and then deleted. In the event of an appeal, the data will be stored until the conclusion of the procedure in question and then deleted.

For the exchange with colleagues there is an info area directly in the OPU. 

  1. Click on "Administrate"
  2. Under "OPU-Wizard" you will find "Edit OPU basic settings".
  3. Here you will find a text field "Notes for admins". 
  4. Write in text and confirm your entry with "OK". 

The text will now be displayed directly under "Administrate" (see: screenshot).as well as in the Academic Unit under "Actions" and "Details". Only OPU admins have access to this information.

Use the field to assign work items, ask questions of others, or provide updates on OPU and exam completion status. During GP week, this text field will be used for OPU/exam pre-check. Digital Teaching Services staff will write questions and notes here during the two weeks leading up to the exam. So please check back in there from time to time.